Application Instructions
The scholarship committee recognizes that technology and process may be a barrier to scholarship application, and aims to provide a clear instruction set for students unfamiliar with the ACPBC to assist with application. Scroll down to Instructions to Apply (including screenshots) to learn how to become a Student member and how to apply for a scholarship.
Current full description of scholarship requirements can be found HERE.
All applicants must be in Chemistry-related degree programs in British Columbia post-secondary institutions AND be student members of the ACPBC. Student membership currently has no cost. A scholarship application can be concurrently submitted with a membership application.
Instructions to Apply:
STEP 1 – if you are not an active ACPBC Student member, your first step is to apply for your free membership. Click HERE for instructions about how to apply.
STEP 2 – once you have applied to be an ACPBC Student member or if you already an active Student member, click HERE for instructions to apply for an ACPBC scholarship.
STEP 1: Apply for Student Membership
1. Select “Apply Now”


3. Enter your email and a password of at least eight characters, and three complexities.

4. Enter your contact information.

5. Select Student Membership, and set the required date to today’s date. Click “EDUCATION”.

6. Complete your education profile. Under Education, select the degree you are working towards (BSc, MSc). Remember to select “SAVE EDUCATION” before proceeding.

7. Additional completed education can be entered here for the Inclusive Scholarship if you are a graduate student. Click “Supporting Documents” when ready to proceed.

8. Supporting documentation can be uploaded appropriately in PDF format. Students only need to submit “Confirmation of Student Registration” to apply for student membership.

9. After uploading requested documents, select the “Professional Reference” at the bottom of the page. Students may then bypass this next page by selecting the “Payment of Fees” button.

10. As a final step of membership application, affirm the information is correct, that you will submit more documentation if requested, and that you authorize ACPBC to collect your provided information to assess membership. Select “Submit”.

You have now submitted application for student membership, and are eligible to continue your scholarship application by following STEP 2.
STEP 2: Apply for Scholarship
1. The side bar will have a drop out menu with these options. Regardless of which scholarship you are applying for (Undergraduate and/or Inclusive), select “ACPBC Undergraduate Scholarship” under the Applications Tab to activate the application process.

2. Confirm your previously entered Profile/Contact information and Education information by selecting “YES”. If you need to make changes in either section, you may do so by clicking the red “No, I Need To Edit These Details…“

3. Under “References”, select “No, I Need To Edit These Details…“.

4. Enter the name and email of your references letter contacts that you will upload your letters from. If your reference is not a Professional Chemist, simply indicate “Not a PCHEM”, and select “SAVE“.

5. Under “Supporting Documents“, select “No, I Need To Edit These Details…“.

In the “Supporting Document” section, please submit the following scanned items:
- Administrative Transcript from your institution from the September-December semester detailing your full post-secondary experience.
- A letter to the scholarship committee telling us a little about yourself and linking how you meet the listed requirements of the scholarship.
- Two letters of reference from your previously listed professors, other Professional Chemists, or volunteering supervisors denoting your service to profession and involvement.
- Optional: Pictures or other documentation showing your service to profession.
- Optional: Your C.V.
6. If you are applying for both the Undergraduate Scholarship and the Inclusive scholarship, please submit one introduction letter per scholarship applied for that clearly indicates how you meet the specific requirements, and is titled as such (ie. “Scholarship letter – Inclusive”, or “Scholarship Letter – Undergraduate”).
Reference letters should also be titled appropriately. All other uploads may be shared between the two scholarship applications.

7. Finally, authorize ACPBC to collect information and confirm these references, and select “Submit“.

You have now successfully applied for the scholarship(s). Check your status at “My Scholarship Applications”, and watch your email for communications from ACPBC in the title at your given email address. Successful applicants will be contacted before the summer term.